Friday, September 21, 2018

Terry Fox, Obstacle Course and My Group

Welcome to the last week of September!

Thank you for attending our first oral interviews!  It is a pleasure to get to know you and we will be a great team for your child!
This week we have lots going on:
Monday- Wednesday- Get pledges for the Obstacle Course- Our fund raiser for the playground

Monday- Bring an F thing

Practice Lock Down

Bring a B thing
Terry Fox Run- We need 3 parent volunteers to walk with us in the afternoon!  Please write me a note if you are able to volunteer,

Thursday- Obstacle Course is run and start to collect pledges

Friday- Bring in a T thing and something from a group you belong to.  Eg a medal form soccer a tutu from dance,  baseball glove a hockey jersey or a picture of your child in a group.

Home reading starts next week!

Monday, September 17, 2018


We have had a busy second week in grade 1.  Students are still practicing routines and work habits!
I am looking forward to meeting you all on Thursday night or Friday for our first oral interview.  We only have 10 minutes to touch base at this interview.  If you need longer, please write me a note in the agenda and I will try to book a double time for you.
LANGUAGE ARTS- Reading patterned stories and poems and highlighting words and writing and spelling
MATH- Patterns
SCIENCE- 5 senses
SOCIAL- Iam unique and belong to many groups
RELIGION- I am a child of God


Tuesday- Opening mass in gym at 9:30 am
Wednesday-Picture Day
Thursday night- Interviews 4:30-7:30pm
Friday-NO SCHOOL interviews all day

PLEASE get PLEDGES fo the Obstacle Course, to rainse money for our playground. 
We run it next week on September 27

I will not send any more paper weekly news.  Please go to

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Welcome to Grade One!

September News
Dear Parents;
Welcome to our exciting year in our grade one classroom!! I am so thrilled to teach your child this year and we have an amazing group of students.  I have 25 beautiful students.  
As a team, parents and teachers work together to help your child succeed and grow, so if you have any concerns please write notes in the agenda or phone me at school anytime and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Some points to help your child this year:
1.     AGENDAS-Please initial the agenda and send it back to school EVERY morning.  This is our communication tool. Once we start home reading it also comes back every day.
2.     BAG OF CLOTHES- please send a labelled bag with extra clothes in case your child gets wet and needs a change of clothes.  We will leave them hanging on their hooks.
3.     READ, READ, READ- We will start home reading in October. Please read to your child and have them read to you.  Strong readers make strong writers!  Please feel free to read to your child in YOUR language.
4.     MEETING  DOOR- Most of you know that our class comes out the north door on the tarmac.  Our class will line up in front of these doors each morning and at recess.  This is where you can meet your child after school.
5.     LABEL- Please label ALL of your child’s coats, boots, shoes and backpack.
6.     TALK- Please talk to your child about their day and ask them to think of 2 great things that happened in the day.  Also, often they will tell YOU of a problem they have had,and I am not aware of it.  Please ALWAYS come to me with concerns or problems that your child has.
7.     BIRTHDAYS- We always celebrate birthdays but please NO cupcakes, cakes or treats as we are a healthy choices school.  Other options could be fruit, yogurt tubes, stickers or pencils. 
8.     LUNCH- OLG is a nut free school so please do not send any nut products for lunches or snacks.  We are also teaching the students about nutrition and the best learning happens with nutritious food.  All garbage will come home to you to recycle, compost or throw out.  Thank you!
9.     SNACKS- Please send 2 snacks with your child, each day! We are a healthy choices school.  Please try to send healthy snacks as often as possible.
10.SCHOOL SAFETY-. Over the next few weeks we will be discussing and practicing fire drill routines. It is often helpful if you discuss this with your child at home as it is sometimes a worrisome topic for some students.  Also we ask parents to NOT park in the parking lot.
11.DRESSING- Please remember to send your child dressed appropriately for the weather. Students go outside to play during recess and lunch and need to have proper clothing for the weather.
12.TREASURE BOX-  I have a treasure box with small toys as rewards.  If you have any toys you are no longer playing with, or McDonald toys lying around, I will put them into our box.  Just send them to school.
13.Volunteering- All volunteers MUST attend volunteer orientation before helping in any school activity.  There are many opportunities to volunteer in grade one. More information in October as volunteers will start then.
We are going to have a great year!!
My email is if you would like to email me.


Yours truly;
Mrs. Cindy Wuerth